Cultural and educational newspaper of the Tatar community in the Republic of Mordovia
#2, December 14, 2004
Jamila BIKKININA: It's well-known that Tatars do not usually hand over their ill children or disabled and old people to the state. So, the children's homes in Mordovia don't have a single Tatar child. But it turns out that among the children brought to the US from other regions of Russia, there are Tatar, Bashkir and Chuvash children... Read more
THE FIRST BULGARIAN STATE FORMATIONS OLD-TURKIC DEITIES WHO ARE ALANS? ETHNIC ROOTS OF THE TATAR PEOPLE New translations HOW CAN A TATAR BECOME A TATAR? The first conference on issues about various Tatar questionswas held at our newspaper site starting on February 21st. 2000, bringingtogether Tatars from all over the world who were concerned about the problemsof our people and our language. It was held in the Russian language...Read more
DELENDA CARTHAGO? N 1, 28.02.2001 COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER IN MAKINGGOOD DEEDS An interview by Marat Salimov taken from Nail-khazratFahrutdinov, the Chairman of the Muslim Religious Board of the Republicof Mordovia... Read more
OUR REFERENCE NEW BOOK WORTH SPECIAL ATTENTION Nikolai Vasilyevich Zavaryukhin. “The History and theCulture of the Mordovian lands in 17–18 centuries”, a textbook for the7th form... Read more
ANCIENT MISHARS AND MORDOVIANSSHARED WEDDING TRADITIONS Mikhail Akashkin, a fellow countryman from Kulikovo villagein the Torbeevo region, defended his dissertation at the Galimjan IbragimovInstitute of Language, Literature and Art (IIaLI) in Kazan on October 25,2000. His dissertation was entitled, “Wedding Ceremonies and Songs forthe Tatar-Mishars and Mordovians: A Comparative Analysis.”-.. Readmore
Web-exclusive SAKALIBA ARE KIPCHAKS, AND BULGARSARE ONE OF KIPCHAK TRIBES New translations THE ROOTS OF TATAROPHOBIA IN MORDOVIAOR AN INOCULATION AGAINST TATARS The establishment of the Mordovian autonomy became a life-buoyfor the Moksha and Erzia culture in the sea of the informational and culturalaggression of the 20 century... Read more
“YALKONLO YASHLEK” IS 30 NOW! On the 9th of April, 2000, the celebration of the 30thanniversary of the Tatar music company “Yalkonlo Yashlek” (Flaming Youth)was held in Samara... Read more
NEW CIVIL ID AIMED HIGH, HIT LOW Muslims are now expected in Russia to pledge allegianceto the cross and to accept what is for them a symbol of persecution, forcedconversion, humiliation, and loss of freedom suffered by their forebearsas the official emblem for their native country... Readmore
WE, TATARS, DON'T CARE IF IT ISWAR OR MERRY-MAKING In my childhood, when I was reading or listening to fairytales, I always wanted to get into the magic world. An evil sorcerer takesaway from people their memory, their mind, makes their hearts deaf anddumb; he's destroying everything living and beautiful, and here... comesa strong and beautiful fairy and the struggle starts!.. Readmore
OLDEST MOSQUE IN MORDOVIA BURNSDOWN The mosque in the village of Iniati (called Puniat inTatar), Liambir region, burned to the ground in the early hours of Monday,October 23. According to the local police department, the fire broke outaround 1 a.m., as the result of a faulty heating system... Readmore
UYGURS – GLORIOUS PAST AND SADPRESENT The Uygurs are the native people of Eastern Turkestan,ñalled Xinjiang in Chinese. This is the largest Turkic people who doesnot have its independent state unlike Turks, Azerbaijanians, Kazakhs, Turkmensand Kyrgyzs... Read more
INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE HISTORYOF THE TATAR PRESS Volga Tatars had been requesting permission to publisha newspaper since the year 1808, but they were not successful until almosta century later... Read more
No 1, 28.02.2001 MY WAY TO AUSTRALIA It is very difficult to write about yourself. As one famousAustralian personality said during the presentation of his new book, itis good for your soul to confess in the public but it is bad for your reputation.And perhaps, confessing for the Tatar audience is a special case. I wouldsay it is even kind of a cathartic venture... Readmore
ABOUT WORKING FOR FOREIGN COMPANIES The advices of a Tatar programmer, already working fora foreign software company... Read more
INTERVIEW WITH A READER IN CALIFORNIA This interview was conducted on December 14, 2000 withSofia, a reader of the electronic version of our paper. She is a collegestudent in Berkley, California... Read more
Web-exclusive FOR EVERYTHING THERE IS A DOOR-THE DOOR TO PARADISE IS OPENED BY KNOWLEDGE The necessity of religious education is evident. Ignoranceis the worst enemy of religion, and ignorant person cannot make objectivedecisions differentiating good and evil, that causes a mistakes that couldbe easily avoided. The absence of religious knowledge is a perfect groundfor variety of extreme and cult ideas... Read more
HELP THE TATAR GAZETTE TO SURVIVE! My dear readers, I have to ask you for financial assistance,although I understand that you the readers of our newspaper are not rich.Perhaps, you might know those who could help our newspaper to survive...Read more
BROADCASTING IN TATAR OUT OF THE SOVIET UNION No 3-4, 18.04.2000 AN INTERVIEW WITH WEBMASTER What's a webmaster? This is the person without whom ournewspaper wouldn't come out to the Internet – he's administering our website – Esa Anttikoski from Finland. But how could that happen that Internetversion of The Tatar Gazette from Mordovia is made by a Finn?.. Readmore
THE FUTURE OF THE TURKIC WORLD By Sabirzyan BADRETDIN Forecasting the future is a risky undertaking, especiallypredicting economic, political and social trends of a country or a groupof countries. Nevertheless, extrapolating current tendencies into the futureand trying to foresee their possible implications is a perfectly acceptableway of expanding the scope of our understanding of the world’s future.What developments are likely in the Turkic community of nations withinthe coming decades?.. Read more
THE MYTH OF SHURALE By Sabirzyan BADRETDIN There is not a single child in Russia who doesn’t knowwho Baba Yaga, Kaschei Bessmertni and Zmei Gorinich are. They are the mythicalcharacters of Russian folklore. In Tatar folklore, the name of Shuraleis similarly well-known... Read more
TATAR INFLUENCE IN EARLY 20TH CENTURYKYRGYZSTAN By Sabirzyan BADRETDIN The civilizing role of the Tatar diaspora in the regionformerly known as Turkestan is well known. Tatar mullahs, teachers andmerchants contributed greatly to the education and enlightenment of theirethnic brethren in what is now known as Central Asia. Unfortunately, thissubject has not been studied comprehensively... Readmore
THE IMAGES OF TATARS IN RUSSIANCLASSICAL LITERATURE By Sabirzyan BADRETDIN One of my American friends once told me that I was theonly Tatar he had ever known. He was wondering whether I was a typicalrepresentative of my ethnic group. He hoped to find the answer to thisquestion during his trip to Russia... Read more
FAUZIA BAYRAMOVA: TATARSTAN’S IRONLADY Fauzia Bayramova. Very few names in Tatarstan inspireso much love, admiration and adulation on the one hand and hatred, animosity,and even fear, on the other. Depending on who is asked, she is describedas a radical, an extremist, a fanatic, an idealist, a nationalist, a firebrand,a savior, a saint... Read more
PAN-TURKISM: PAST, PRESENT ANDFUTURE By Sabirzyan BADRETDIN The advancement of pan-Turkism is crucial to both thenew Turkic states that have been created by the collapse of the USSR andto Turkic minorities within such nations as Russia and China. Pan-Turkismoffers the most attractive alternative to extreme nationalism, fundamentalistIslam, and secular westernization... Read more
TURKOPHOBIA: ITS SOCIAL AND HISTORICALROOTS By Sabirzyan BADRETDIN Not a single nation or ethnic group in the world can crediblyclaim that it has never been a target for ethnic or religious prejudices.The Turkic peoples are certainly no exception. What are the origins ofhostility towards the Turkic peoples?.. Read more
No 1-2, 10.02.2000 OUT OF THE SOVIET UNION IS ETHNIC ASSIMILATION REVERSIBLE? Tatars living outside Tatarstan (about 70 percent of allTatars) are in certain danger of assimilation. Although the situation isgradually changing for the better in some places, in most parts of theformer USSR there are still no Tatar-language schools, no Tatar-languageradio and TV programs, and no mosques or cultural centers where Tatarscan congregate and socialize. Only a tiny percentage of Tatars outsideTatarstan subscribe to Tatar-language newspapers and magazines... Readmore
No 3-4, 04.08.1999 PANY DOCTOR FROM KRIVOZERYE Klara Rafikovna Yanglyayeva (Polish version of the nameis Klara Janglajew) Born in à teachers’ family in the village of Krivozeryeof Lyambir rayon. Graduated from Mordovian University in 1976. Since 1983teaches mathematics at the University of Bialystok, Poland... Readmore